Sheryl Cardwell
Founder of Shard Business Services Ltd, with over 20 years experience working with schools in areas such as strategic financial management, ICT, GDPR, Human Resource Management and supporting schools and academy trusts with due diligence. Previous roles include being a Chief Finance Officer in a multi academy trust, School Business Leader in a maintained school and a Network Manager in a primary school.
Accredited Schools Resource Management Adviser, who has undertaken over 100 deployments.
Appointed as the sole provider to deliver GDPR to the schools within Hackney LA through a traded service.
Successfully supported several academy trusts as their interim CFO until a suitable candidate was appointed.
Project managed the conversion of several maintained schools to either a single academy trust or multi-academy trust.
Planning for growth or a change in status (i.e. maintained to academy, SAT to MAT, small MAT to larger MAT)
Due diligence
System integration and rationalisation
Strategic financial planning
Developing central teams
Strategic HR, e.g. people development, organisational design, legal considerations
Recruitment, retention and performance management
Change management
Responding to regulatory requirements
I am an exceedingly skilled leader who undertakes any role with the upmost integrity and professionalism. I approach my work in an ethical, methodical, visionary, and strategic manner, which always produces outstanding results. Although a highly organised and efficient individual, I am able to undertake risks in effort to enhance business productivity and enrich the education environment.
My passion to be able to make a difference enables me to have the courage to challenge and be resilient when needed.
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